Questions fréquemment posées en matière de Pricing

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We’re happy with our pricing, can you still help us?

In our experience many of our clients were happy with their pricing before they started working with us. Where we add value is by providing a different view-point, and our collective years of pricing experience to identify pricing opportunities that deliver value and/or margin improvement.

Why should we review our pricing?

Pricing is one of the key levers to business profitability, and a typical Pearson Ham Group pricing review will deliver a 2-5% margin improvement (expressed as a % of revenue).

This is a huge opportunity to leave unexplored.  Our collaborative approach means that we will work with you and your teams to understand the particular challenges and circumstances your business is facing in order to discover what pricing opportunities may exist for you.

Have you experience in our sector?

We work across a wide range of sectors  and our consulting team have a broad background, with real world experience in retail, B2B wholesale, F&B and travel sectors to name but a few.

Despite our broad experience, we often find ourselves working with a client in a new sector or industry where we do not have prior experience.  One of our key values and a contributor to our success is our ability to ask the right questions and listen carefully to ensure we’re uncovering the right information to guide our work.  We are also firm believers that our clients are sector experts, while we are pricing experts.  Working collaboratively, another core value, this combination and approach is powerful.

How can you add value when we have an internal pricing team?

Other consultancies ‘do’ pricing and offer a wide range of other consulting skills.  We are pricing specialists, it’s all we do.  In our experience, non-specialist pricing consultancies tend to be more limited in their pricing scope and focus on the analysis and recommendations but not on implementation.  Indeed, their insights and recommendations often ignore implementation leaving their clients struggling to see any real impact from their pricing work.

We believe that implementation and monitoring are crucial.  So much so, that our insights and recommendations always consider the implementation requirements and importantly the client organisation’s ability to implement.  In many cases we help our clients with improving capability and work with them to successfully implement our recommendations.

What pricing challenges don’t you do?

There are some areas in which we don’t do pricing. 
These are:

– Underwriting
– Equities, Bonds, and other financial instruments


Our focus is on all other areas of pricing where humans make decisions and where pricing affects their choices.

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